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Bridge and Wolak

Thursday, April 24, 2025
7:00 pm9:00 pm

Bridge and Wolak are a globe-trotting musical dup. Michael Bridge, accordion, and Kornel Wolak, clarinet, share a love of classical, jazz, and world music, a fascination with fusing genres and a passion for performance.

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  • Bianca

    I thoroughly enjoyed my time here, such a nice theatre, its clean, spacious, and the staff and crew were amazing!

  • Johnny Blaze
    Johnny Blaze

    An example of Americana and American values. The Bowlus Center is the testament to one man's vision that art and culture are meant for everyone and everyone is deserving of cultural experiences. Phenomenal staff.

  • Sheila Lampe
    Sheila Lampe

    The Bowlus Fine Arts Center provides a range of performances from local, national, and international talent at an affordable rate. It's a must stop when visiting Iola.