Buster Keaton Celebration: Keaton & Kelly

Single Event Pricing
(General Admission- 16 and under free, with the exception of Saturday
Evening’s Presentation)
September 22nd
• $7 Movie: Singing in the Rain (7 PM, preshow presentation 6:45 PM)
September 23rd
• $7 Afternoon Session (3 PM-5 PM):
o Movie: Take Me Out to the Ball Game
o Presenter: Keith Goering
• $7 Evening Movie: Starstruck Gene Kelly’s Love Letter to Ballet (7 PM)
September 24th
• $7 Morning Session (10:30 AM-12 PM):
o Movie: The Cameraman
o Presenter: Ben Model
• $7 Afternoon Session (1:30 PM-5 PM):
o Movie: Steamboat Bill Jr.
o Author: Dana Stevens and Book Signing
o Film Competition Awards Presentation
• $17/Adult $10/Student
Evening Presentation: Gene Kelly the Legacy:
An evening with Patricia Ward Kelly (7 PM)
Festival Price:
• $47/includes all events