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Event Calendar

Missoula Children's Theatre

Monday, July 8, 202412:30 pmFriday, July 12, 20245:00 pm
Bowlus Auditorium- Enter through the south (alley) doors.


Adapted by Michael McGill

Music by Michael McGill

The time is simply long ago and the place is the magical, mythical Sherwood Forest. Our hero, Robin Hood, and his Merry Band of colorful characters seek the help of the Foresters, manage to waylay the Aristocrats and set out to rescue Maid Marion and Marion’s Maid. Prince John tries to stay calm as his Sheriff, guards and horsemen botch Robin’s arrest thanks to the aromatic Skunks. Wacky humor and an original score add to this fresh new look at a legendary outlaw in a legendary time.

It will feature up to 60 local children entering 1st-graduating 12th. An audition is required. Students who are cast in a role or as an the assistant stage manager participate for FREE. Pre-enrollment is recommended but does not guarantee casting. You can also sign up the first day during auditions.